Teeth whitening:
The most common and the most accessed smile makeover and cosmetic dentistry treatment is teeth whitening. This procedure is a professional one and unlike the at-home teeth whitening procedures. The dentists use professional grade chemicals and special equipment and tools to remove the stubborn stains from your teeth and bring back the dazzling whiteness of your teeth.
Up to a number of shades of whiteness can be achieved in a single sitting of teeth whitening procedure. There are Zoom teeth whitening, white light teeth whitening, Opalescence and bright teeth whitening procedures. The dentists ensure that during the procedure, you teeth do not experience any sensitivity.
However, in many cases, the dentists also offer the at-home kits to help the patients achieve and maintain the whiteness right at the comfort of their homes, without visiting the clinics or without spending the huge amount of money. But of course, at-home kits can never offer the same results as the professional ones.
Dental implants:
If the smile in your face is looking ugly because one or more than one of your teeth are missing or lost or broken or damaged, it is a must that you replace them. And when replacement is the option, dental implants are the best ones. This is because; the age old dentures and dental bridges are not at all comfortable and are not long lasting.
The implants on the other hand, can fill the gap permanently. Why dental implants are the best cosmetic and smile makeover treatment is because the implants can prevent the neighboring and existing natural teeth from moving, by preventing the gum tissue loss and damage and also by preventing the jawbone from being dissolved. The implants will not only help you to chew, eat and smile like before, but it will also enhance your self-esteem and the stability of the implants will give you confidence and comfort.
Invisalign braces:
Misaligned teeth are yet another problem that often troubles a number of people. It forms problematic bites and hence, people often face the trouble in eating and chewing and speaking. Also, the appearance of the teeth is so ugly that the confidence level goes down. The traditional metal wire braces worsen the condition further by making you look even uglier and also by adding to the discomfort of poking wires.
The Invisalign braces on the other hand, are virtually invisible and they are made up of clear plastic. They are set of plastic braces in the forms of trays that can be worn on the teeth. The position of the tray will pull and push the teeth to the desired position and during the treatment; nobody will be able to see this. You can eat what you like and maintain your dental hygiene by removing the braces, whenever you eat, brush and floss.
Porcelain veneers:
Do you have a chipped tooth? Have your teeth gone discolored and stained beyond treatment? Crooked teeth, teeth gaps and other such minor and major dental problems can well be managed with the porcelain veneers. These are thin porcelain chips that are paced over the crooked and damaged teeth with a resin adhesive. The veneers match the color of your teeth and hence, look absolutely natural.
Now that you have known about the various cosmetic dentistry and smile makeover treatments, you need to find the local dentist for smile makeover. He will recommend the best treatment suitable for you.
This article is first appeared here: 4 Most Effective Smile Makeover Procedures